Du betrachtest gerade How women and feminists in Belarus became enemies of the state
Event Olga Karach Menschenrechte in Belarus

How women and feminists in Belarus became enemies of the state

In cooperation with Geschichtssalon im Beginenhof in Kreuzberg, we organised a discussion with Olga Karatch from Belarus on 13 July 2022.

Olga Karatch is the founder and director of the civil rights movement Nash Dom (“Our House”). The network organizes public campaigns, supports activists when they become victims of state repression and violence, and exposes abuses in Belarusian politics.

Olga Karatch explained why feminists and women activists have become Lukashenko’s main enemies and why feminism and the fight for women’s rights are key to restoring democracy and peace in Belarus. Olga Karach also spoke about the torture of Belarusian women in prisons, which she herself had to experience firsthand.

In addition, Olga demonstrated why patriarchal structures lead to an escalation of war and why we need a feminist approach to peacebuilding, including the implementation of UN Resolution 1325 „Women, Peace and Security.“ With her campaign „NO means NO“ she calls on young Belarusian men to refuse military service and leave the country. In the meantime, hundreds, if not thousands, have fled and need the support of the international community.

The event provided ample space for questions from the audience and showed how important the solidarity of the international feminist community with the Belarusian people is and must continue.

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