Du betrachtest gerade Conference: Peace, Disarmament and Climate Justice. Connecting the dots
Online Conference: Peace, Disarmament and Climate Justice. Connecting the dots

Conference: Peace, Disarmament and Climate Justice. Connecting the dots

Participants will have the opportunity to choose between different workshops and connect with peace and/or climate justice activists around the world using an innovative and interactive online platform.

Peace and climate activists work for the same goal: a peaceful, just and healthy planet. If they joined forces more regularly their indispensable work could become more visible, widespread and would have a bigger impact.

To foster a closer connection between feminist peace and climate justice activists we, the German section of WILPF, will organize a 2-day online conference on November 27/28 to provide network and learning opportunities for organizations and individuals advocating for disarmament and/or climate justice. In addition to being privy to the insights and discussions of a variety of excellent speakers through speeches and panel discussions.

Participants will have the opportunity to choose between different workshops and connect with peace and/or climate justice activists around the world using an innovative and interactive online platform.

The climate crisis we find ourselves in the middle of is inseparably linked to our efforts of achieving sustainable peace. The more people work towards this common goal, the more likely we are to succeed.