How militarised is the EU’s foreign policy? – Interview with Bram Vranken
Interview with Bram Vranke about the rapid militarisation of the EU, its drivers and consequences and steps to promote peace and justice in the EU.
Interview with Bram Vranke about the rapid militarisation of the EU, its drivers and consequences and steps to promote peace and justice in the EU.
Zusammen mit weiteren Expert*innen diskutierte IFFF/WILPF-Geschäftsführerin Jennifer Menninger am 19.01.2022 über die Grenzen und Auswirkungen von autonomen Waffensystemen.
Wir haben uns den Koalitionsvertrag der SPD, Bündnis90/Die Grünen und der FDP genauer angesehen – aus einer feministischen und friedenspolitischen Perspektive.
We signed the statement of WILPF Italy supported by Disarmisti Esigenti and the European Associations of the ICAN Campaign that urges Members of the European Commission and the European Parliament to refrain from including nuclear energy as well as gas and CCS in the transition to decarbonization.
Advocacyarbeit auf UN-Ebene am Beispiel der IFFF/WILPF
The European Union treats refugees on its borders as if they are bombs, says activist and co-founder of Lesvos Solidarity, Efi Latsoudi.
Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich unserem Mitglied Barbara Lochbihler zur Verleihung des Bundesverdienstkreuzes am Bande!
Feminist perspectives and voices in international politics on issues relating to foreign policy, international security and war are growing louder as a source and site of discursive political action and policy transformation. In contribution to there sites of political action and transformation, WILPF Germany launched a toolkit on feminist foreign policy.
We invite you to join the l(a)unch event of the latest publication “Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday: A Toolkit” published by WILPF Germany in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation. The event will take place in English.
Wir schließen uns der Forderung der "Aktion Aufschrei - Stoppt den Waffenhandel!" an und fordern ein wirklich restriktives Rüstungsexportkontrollgesetz in den Koalitionsvertrag aufzunehmen und im Bundestag zu verabschieden.